Monday, August 07, 2006

Another day, another $16,000 dollars


Jesus be praised!!

Im happy. I have stuff to say, but it's 1:27pm and I havent showered. :grin:

Im off in under 2 weeks. I havent started packing. I am beggining to get excited.

Be back soon.


Anonymous said...

well well....isnt it miss bloggerwhore....

here you are AGAIN...leave me alone, xanga here, msn spaces, now blogger...........negro pleeeeeeeeeez

toometoblog said...

Congratulations!!! (milf) :)

soul said...

I'm soo proud of you.
Now's the time for more prayers and thanksgiving :)

on the flip side.. who the heck is your pimp.. you need to hook a sista up witht he hot stuff, cos your pimp got it like that!